The ANU Kendo Club is currently the only kendo club practising the Japanese martial art of Kendo in Canberra.
Operating under ANU Sport, at The Australian National University, ANU Kendo Club is affiliated with the ACT Kendo Renmei, the Australian Kendo Renmei, and the International Kendo Federation.
Kendo (Kendō) literally means ‘The Way of the Sword’ in Japanese (Ken: sword, and Dō: way). As one of Japan’s oldest martial arts, Kendo can directly trace it's origins back to the Samurai.
While Kendo has now become a popular sport form, the samurai principles are still very much in evidence – the core concept of Kendo is to discipline the human spirit through the principles of the katana (Japanese sword).
Kendo is suitable for both men and women of all ages who practice and compete together.